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filling Units seamlessly
for property owners


Patrick Paul is the Co-Founder of Ikos, a start-up using data and information to allow property owners to execute and manage the vital, day-to-day tasks of investment property ownership. Patrick was raised with a strong Haitian heritage starting in New Jersey and ending up in Southwestern Florida. He grew up an athlete, ended up going to a military academy, then college, and into the world of finance and real estate. Now based in Pittsburgh, Patrick has helped to transform the modern rental experience with Ikos, along the way raising millions and weathering an industry hard hit by the economic crisis from COVID-19.

Make sure to listen to his incredible story.


“I’m a founder who happens to be black. That’s just always been my mindset.
~ Patrick Paul


In this episode Patrick and Dan discussed:

  • growing up in a Haitian household with 6 older siblings
  • serendipitous customer discovery in a coffee shop
  • the dynamics of a diverse founding team
  • the attraction of the Pittsburgh tech scene



“I would really say progress over perfection.
~ Patrick Paul


“ That summer cutting grass, single handedly made me get my degree. It was too hot out there!
~ Patrick Paul